Flottenintelligenz mittels Federated Learning
Brief description
Adap entwickelt eine AI basierte Flottenplatform, um einheitliche Einblicke in verteilte Datentöpfe zu erhalten. Dies geschieht durch gemeinschaftliches Lernen der teilnehmenden Partner und unter vollen Einhaltung der Privatsphäre.
Looking for:
- Municipality
- Public institution
- Association/gGmbH
- Educational and research institution
You want to know more about the project?
If you're already a member of the community, you can sign up here.
If you aren't yet a member of the community, you can register here.
Register now!-
Created: 14 December, 2020 14.12.2020
Last modified: 4 June, 2023 04.06.2023