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ECO AI LAB - Civic Coding – Innovationsnetz KI für das Gemeinwohl


The ECO AI LAB at the Impact Hub in Berlin is a project of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). The ECO AI LAB is a platform to bring together everyone who is interested in harnessing the power of AI to protect the environment. Experts offer on-site and virtual support by providing resources, technical expertise, digital tools and training. They show how AI can be harnessed to protect our environment in workshops and at different events.

Goal and target groups

The goal of the ECO AI LAB is to support civic stakeholders in the use and development of artificial intelligence in environmental protection in the public interest. It also initiates and supports projects involving AI applications for environmental issues in civil society. As an open platform for ideas and dialogue, the ECO AI LAB is geared towards NGOs, initiatives, scientists, start-ups and private individuals.


What we offer

In regular sensor technology workshops, project-related meetings and discussions dedicated to featured topics, participants can develop AI applications in the public interest. They can also learn about specific environmental protection projects and the opportunities and risks of AI. Solutions to individual questions and problems can be discussed in the data and AI consultation hour.


Contact the ECO AI LAB team

Further Civic Coding anchor projects

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  • Icon Civic Data Lab

    Civic Data Lab

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